
TOZAL® Eye Vitamin Supplements



Formulated to support ocular health? in just 3 daily softgels, TOZAL® is a dietary supplement containing ingredients featured in AREDS22†.


TOZAL eye vitamins go beyond the AREDS22† formula to support ocular health? with a combination of Taurine, Omega-3 from fish oil, Lutein/Zeaxanthin*, Zinc, Antioxidants, Vitamins A, B6, D3, and Folic Acid; and is beta-carotene free.

Dietary supplement recommendations should be preceded by a thorough examination to accommodate any specific needs.‡ Talk with your doctor to see if TOZAL vitamins are right for you. Always read the packaging for full ingredients list and safety information.

TOZAL is available in a bottle containing a net quantity 90 Softgels.

What’s In It Matters


Taurine is an amino acid that protects the photoreceptor cells of the retina allowing the optic nerve to process light.3


Omega-3 fatty acid is an essential component of cell membranes in the retina and optic nerve. The triglyceride form may have an increased absorbability and is comparable to the naturally occurring form found in fish. Some studies show that Omega-3 may reduce the instances of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by up to 30%.4,5


While the AREDS2 formulation includes 80 mg of Zinc, the study actually found that 25 mg is just as effective in a supplement targeting age-related eye concerns. Zinc picolinate is absorbed to a higher degree than other forms of zinc.2,6†


Antioxidants fight free radicals to help prevent cellular damage. Vitamin A helps process night vision and acts in combination with other antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and E, which may help decrease the progression of AMD.7-10


These carotenoids are found in the retina and may help protect against high-energy blue and ultraviolet light.2†*