Oasys Tears reduce inflammation in your Eyes
Oasys Tears Plus contain glycerin and Hyaluronic Acid to soothe your eyes and reduce inflammation. Glycerin makes the eye drops feel "slick" if you put a drop on your fingers and rub them together. When you put the drops in your eyes, they coats the surface of your eye very nicely. I like to tell patients that it is like putting chap-stick on your lips. Your eyes need smooth and even moisture all the time to remain healthy and provide excellent vision. Hyaluronic Acid is an amino acid that is already found naturally in your body. When you add a little extra to the surface of you eyes, you are reducing inflammation. Reducing inflammation makes your eyes feel much better, but it also helps your eyes produce your own natural tears more effectively. There are many treatments for dry, uncomfortable, irritated eyes. Your Optometrist is prepared to help you find the best solutions. My patients love Oasys Tears Plus and I use them myself. Ryan H Powell, O.D. @icarethoughts4u on twitter